Route 55 departure tables. Route 55 map and banner.

Text-Only Schedules

  • Weekday
  • Saturday

Weekday Schedules

This table shows schedules for a selection of key stops on the route for Route 55 Weekday Night Service. Stops and their schedule times are listed in the columns.
Leave Transit Center9:20 PM11:20 PM
Wegmans Market9:28 PM11:28 PM
Kohl's9:30 PM? ?
Northampton and Shannon Streets Georgetown9:34 PM11:34 PM
K Mart Wilkes-Barre Township9:38 PM? ?
Park Avenue and South Streets Wilkes-Barre9:43 PM11:43 PM
Arrive Transit Center9:48 PM11:48 PM

Note. No Kohl’s or K Mart on second trip.

Saturday Schedules

No service for Saturday Route 55