Route 15 departure tables. Route 15 map and banner.

Text-Only Schedules

  • Weekday
  • Saturday

Weekday Schedules

This table shows schedules for a selection of key stops on the route for Route 15 Nanticoke Middle Road Weekday. Stops and their schedule times are listed in the columns.
Leave Transit Center5:50 AM7:00 AM8:10 AM9:25 AM9:50 AM11:10 AM11:55 AM12:30 PM2:00 PM3:15 PM3:30 PM4:30 PM
Hanover and South Main Streets-7:07 AM8:15 AM9:30 AM9:55 AM11:15 AM12:00 PM12:35 PM2:05 PM3:20 PM3:35 PM4:35 PM
Luzerne County Community College Nanticoke-7:30 AM8:40 AM9:57 AM10:15 AM11:35 AM12:25 PM12:55 PM2:30 PM3:43 PM3:53 PM-
Public Square Nanticoke6:20 AM7:35 AM8:50 AM10:00 AM10:25 AM11:45 AM12:30 PM1:05 PM2:40 PM3:53 PM4:10 PM5:05 PM
Luzerne County Community College Nanticoke-7:44 AM8:55 AM10:05 AM10:30 AM11:50 AM12:40 PM1:10 PM2:45 PM4:00 PM4:15 PM5:10 PM
Hanover and South Main Streets6:47 AM7:55 AM9:10 AM10:25 AM10:47 AM12:07 PM12:53 PM1:28 PM3:02 PM4:15 PM4:30 PM5:25 PM
Arrive Transit Center6:55 AM8:05 AM9:20 AM10:30 AM11:05 AM12:25 PM1:10 PM1:40 PM3:10 PM4:25 PM4:40 PM5:35 PM

Note. The 4:30 PM trip departing the Transit Center will not service Luzerne County Community College on the outbound but will service Sallie Mae on the inbound.

Note. The 3:15 PM trip departing the Transit Center will not service the Hanover Section of Nanticoke.

Note. The 3:30 PM trip Departing the Transit Center will go to the Hanover Industrial Park on the outbound only via Commerce Road to the Stewart Road Loop to Sears Road to Front Street to Espy Street to Regular Route.

Note. The 5:50 AM trip departing the Transit center will use South Main Street to Middle Road to Kosciusko Street to Nanticoke Public Square to Washington Street to College Street to Green Street to Walnut Street to Broad Street to Market Street. The Inbound trip will service the Hanover Industrial Park via Espy Street to Front Street to Hanover Street to Sears Road.

Saturday Schedules

This table shows schedules for a selection of key stops on the route for Route 15 Nanticoke Middle Road Saturday. Stops and their schedule times are listed in the columns.
Leave Transit Center9:30 AM10:30 AM11:35 AM12:40 PM2:00 PM3:05 PM4:10 PM
Hanover and South Main Streets-10:35 AM11:40 AM12:45 PM2:05 PM3:10 PM4:15 PM
Luzerne County Community College Nanticoke9:55 AM11:00 AM12:05 PM1:10 PM2:30 PM3:35 PM4:40 PM
Middle Road and Clarks Crossing10:05 AM11:10 AM12:15 PM1:20 PM2:40 PM3:45 PM4:50 PM
Hanover and South Main Streets10:15 AM11:20 AM12:25 PM1:30 PM2:50 PM3:55 PM5:00 PM
Arrive transit Center10:25 AM11:30 AM12:35 PM1:40 PM3:00 PM4:05 PM5:10 PM

Note. Young Street is not serviced on Saturday.

Note. The 9:30 AM trip departing the Transit Center will use South Main Street to Middle Road to Prospect to regular route.